La Mata, on the Costa Blanca in Spain La Mata, on the Costa Blanca in Spain

La Mata Information

La Mata, on the sunshine east coast of Spain - The Costa Blanca

The weather in La Mata, on the Costa Blanca in Spain

The 5 day weather forecast for La Mata, on
Sunday 16th February 2025, is below.

The weather in La Mata is very stable with relatively mild temperatures, even in winter. The weather in La MataIt's not unusual to see people sunbathing in November and December or March and April.

When looking at the weather on the Costa Blanca, it's good to remember that La Mata has a micro-climate which marks it out from other neighbouring towns. This micro-climate, together with the close proximity of two salt lakes, helps to provide excellent climatic conditions, which have been known to help with the symptoms of conditions such as asthma, eczema, rheumatism and arthritis.

With over 300 sunny days a year, you're never too far from the guaranteed sunshine - which is great for people of all ages!

To see the 10 day weather forecast for La Mata, and find out what the average weather is like in La Mata at all times of the year, just go to the following link: The weather in La Mata.

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